Anxiety Will No Longer Be Your Cocoon, Sweet Girl

  Dear Sweet (13-year-old) Baby Girl, I so often look at you and ask why?  Why were you chosen to battle this beast of anxiety that hijacks you so quickly and frequently?  Why was this enormous burden placed on your young shoulders? Why does your infectious laugh and kind heart get trampled by sadness and… Continue reading Anxiety Will No Longer Be Your Cocoon, Sweet Girl

Truths About Parenting an Anxious Child

Truths About Parenting an Anxious Child I am ashamed to admit this, but I used to be embarrassed by my daughter’s behavior.  She behaved differently than other kids… acting out, showing defiance, crying, clinging, refusing to interact with others…and so on.  We would meet friends at the park and she would sit next to me… Continue reading Truths About Parenting an Anxious Child

Stress Relief Toys for Children and Teens

Stress Relief Toys for Children and Teens Buying gifts for a child is always a challenge for me.  I want the child to be excited when he or she opens the gift.  Yet, I also want the gift to be useful once the excitement of opening has ended.  Having spent my hard earned money on… Continue reading Stress Relief Toys for Children and Teens

10 Not So Obvious Signs of Anxiety in Children

What Are the Signs of Anxiety in Children? If you are like me, I used to have one image of an anxious child.  I pictured a young child voicing his or her concern over a scary situation.  The child would be using words like “I’m scared” or “this is scary”.  Ahhh…if only signs of anxiety… Continue reading 10 Not So Obvious Signs of Anxiety in Children

Why Severe Child Anxiety is a Disability

Why Severe Child Anxiety is a Disability Severe anxiety has taken away my daughter’s ability to function in real life situations on a daily basis.  Due to her inability to function, the anxiety is a disability.  She is not able to navigate school successfully, impacting her learning. Friendships are hard to sustain. Activities outside of… Continue reading Why Severe Child Anxiety is a Disability

9 Tips for Traveling with an Anxious Child

9 Tips for Traveling with an Anxious Child   Traveling opens the world, allowing families to stay connected, opportunities to explore new places, and chances to learn about different cultures.  For many families, this is an exciting and memorable journey. However, for families with an anxious child, traveling can be more of a nightmare than… Continue reading 9 Tips for Traveling with an Anxious Child