Dear Sweet (13-year-old) Baby Girl, I so often look at you and ask why? Why were you chosen to battle this beast of anxiety that hijacks you so quickly and frequently? Why was this enormous burden placed on your young shoulders? Why does your infectious laugh and kind heart get trampled by sadness and insecurities? Sadly, I will never… Read More
The Year From Hell is in the Past- Recovering From the Trauma of Anxiety
I can sit here today and type this knowing our family went through hell last year and we are finally starting to see our way out, realizing the path will be bumpy. This post has been stewing in my mind for months but I cannot seem to get the raw truth out, giving it the authenticity it deserves. I am… Read More
5 Things I Have Learned from Being an Anxious Child
Creative, unique, intuitive, empathetic, and funny are words I would use to describe my 13-year-old daughter. Last night, I asked for her help in brainstorming possible topics to add to my blog. Since she is the person suffering from debilitating anxiety, I was hopeful that she could shed some light on much-needed topics. I prompted her with “5 Things… Read More