My Experience using CBD Oil for kids and Adults with Anxiety
First, I am not a medical professional. I am a mother who suffers from anxiety from time to time raising a daughter with severe anxiety. Over the course of my life, I have learned the value of research, asking questions, and gaining knowledge in order to make decisions that have a positive impact on our families health and happiness. Years ago I first heard about CBD but did not give it much thought at the time. However, over the course of the past 6 months, I have spent an incredible amount of time gaining an understanding of CBD oil for kids and adults and how it can positively affect anxiety. As always, speak to a medical professional before any treatment for anxiety. I will share with you my knowledge and experience using CBD oil for kids and adults with anxiety in the hopes that it leads to a better starting point for you or your anxious child.
My daughter has severe anxiety, therefore, I originally sought information on CBD oil as a treatment option for her. I too suffer from anxiety but it tends to ebb and flow over time rather than impact me on a daily basis. I should note, to me, there are two very distinct aspects of anxiety; the physical symptoms that anxiety causes and the mental anxiety that cycles through your mind. I will talk more about this after I explain more about CBD oil.
What I Learned about CBD Oil For Kids and Adults with Anxiety
Before choosing to use CBD oil for kids and adults as a treatment option for anxiety, I made it a point to learn as much as possible about it, just as I would for any other medication or therapy option.
Over the counter and prescription medication is regulated through the FDA, meaning that all medicines of one kind and dosage have the same amount of medicinal value and are created in the same way. CBD oil is not regulated by the FDA (like most natural remedies), meaning that strength and quality can vary greatly. Always keep this in mind when asking questions or purchasing CBD products.
So, what is CBD oil and is it legal?
CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is one of many strands of the hemp plant. The first thing that many people think (or assume), as members of my own family did, is that CBD is marijuana. It is not marijuana. It has been described as “marijuana’s non-psychoactive cousin”. THC is responsible for the mood-altering effects of marijuana, however, there is no THC in CBD oil. CBD oil is also not hemp oil or hemp seed.
CBD oil is legal in all 50 states and sold in many natural grocery stores around the country. While marijuana is legal in certain states in America, it is regulated in similar ways to alcohol, meaning that you can not use it while driving, working, or under a certain age. Because CBD oil does not contain any THC, it does not have any of these regulations on its use.
CBD oil is refined in a way similar to those of essential oils. Once the refinement process is complete, it is tested for contaminants, toxins, and cannabinoid content. Again, since this is not regulated by the FDA, always make sure you are purchasing from a reputable company.
How CBD Oil for Kids and Adults Works
While CBD oil and marijuana are related, they interact with the body in very different ways. CBD interacts with the endogenous system, a body-wide collection of cell receptors that play a fundamental role in the function of the nervous and immune systems. If you imagine that these receptors have locks on them, then the CBD is the key that unlocks them. Once unlocked, these receptors can help out the body in various ways. Research has shown that CBD oil can help with epilepsy, arthritis, depression, anxiety, cancer, sleep, and MS among many others.
There are differing thoughts on how best to use CBD for maximum effectiveness. Some people think that taking it, as needed works best. However, after speaking with several professionals, I found that taking it on a regular basis tends to increase the effectiveness for overall anxiety. Additionally, there are various ways to “take” CBD. The most popular is the liquid drops which are placed under the tongue or with food. There are also pills, creams, massage oil, gummies, edibles, and patches.
My Experience Using CBD Oil for Anxiety
After spending months researching CBD, I purchased a highly respected brand of liquid CBD oil drops from a local natural grocer. It does not come cheap. High quality, high strength oil is expensive and not covered by any insurance plans. The CBD oil that I purchased was $120 for a one-ounce bottle. It lasted for about 4 months. I chose to use the oil on myself prior to having my daughter try it. Here is what I learned.
I should note, I experience mental anxiety at times, where my mind seems to get stuck on a “worry” that just continues to cycle through my mind. When this type of anxiety occurs, I rarely have physical symptoms. In these cases, I have learned that positive thinking and time are the only ways to reduce the anxiety caused by negative thoughts.
Additionally, I experience physical symptoms such as a rapid heart rate, the inability to catch my breath, and an overall “shaky” feeling. I seldom “think” that I am anxious during these physical symptoms, as my mind is not dealing with any anxious thoughts or worries, rather the anxiety is just showing up in my body with physical symptoms.
I began taking a small dose of CBD oil each morning with breakfast and each evening before bed. This did not give me any feelings of immediate relief, however, I was not taking it during moments of high anxiety or during an anxiety attack. I was taking it on a schedule rather than as needed. Prior to taking the CBD oil, I was experiencing physical symptoms of anxiety usually about once a day. I noticed within the first few days of taking the CBD oil that the physical symptoms disappeared. To test my theory that the CBD oil was effective, I stopped taking it daily. My physical symptoms returned. Since November, I have been taking a small dose of CBD oil once or twice daily and have had very minimal, if any, physical anxiety symptoms. I have found this to be as effective for me as the prescription medication I once took.
The CBD oil has not had any positive effect on the mental anxiety that strikes randomly. Once a negative thought begins swirling, I must work through my skills to manage that type of anxiety. I should note that I have not had any extreme anxiety or panic attacks since using CBD oil so I can not speak to its ability to manage this type of anxiety.
My Experience with CBD Oil for Kids
Within a few weeks of noticing that the CDB oil seemed to be helping my minor anxiety, with no side effects, I began giving it to my daughter each morning before school. (My daughter does take prescription medication for her anxiety.) My daughter’s anxiety presents differently than my own.
She really struggles with the mental aspect of anxiety. Negative thoughts are running through her mind a large part of the day with constant “what ifs”. During times of high anxiety, her body also reacts with feelings of nausea, shaking, headaches, etc. Unlike me, she seldom has the physical symptoms independent of the mental worries. She also only takes the CBD oil (by choice) on mornings in which she has to go to school. My daughter prefers not to take it in the evenings or on the weekends because “she hates the taste”. I do not force this on her.
I cannot say that she or I have noticed a positive effect on her anxiety with the CBD oil. At some point, I would like her to take it more regularly to see if it has a more positive effect. I honestly think her anxiety with school is so high and so habitual, that the CBD oil is not strong enough to overcome her mental anxiety.
Overall, I am pleased with the response I have had to the CBD oil for anxiety that I purchased. I plan to continue using it daily, as I find it effective for my needs. My daughter will continue using it as long as she requests it.
I encourage anyone suffering from anxiety to look into this option, just as you would look into any other medication, natural supplement, or therapy. It is important to speak with a medical professional before starting any type of treatment.
Thank you! We are now at the point of prescribed medication for our 12 yo dealing with anxiety since… forever. And it scares me. And it makes me question if I tried enought with “other things“, like CBD. Reading this makes me think that it`s ok to go the medication way…. I hope….
We’re just beginning the process of recognizing my son’s anxiety for what it is. I’m so grateful for your site! It’s like every question I’ve had, you’ve written about! My son also has type 1 diabetes & since his diagnosis, my anxiety has returned tenfold. I’m going to do more research on cbd for both of us. Thank you for being so open & honest and also so thorough in your explanations! Finding you has truly been a gift to this mama’s heart!
I am so glad that you found this site for support. The journey is lonely but you are not alone. Please reach out anytime and I will do what I can. With the right treatment, you and your son will go on to do wonderful things.
I recently tried the CBD oil hype as well. I have extremely high anxiety with no physical symptoms. Your description of your daughters anxiety sounds about like mine.
The CBD oil did nothing for me. I took it in the morning and before bed everyday for about 4 months. Nothing. I still sleep like crap and still have the never-ending “what ifs” just like your daughter.
Maybe it doesn’t work so much for people who have extreme anxiety? Maybe it’s only strong enough for those with mild anxiety, such as yourself? Or possibly it’s a placebo affect on some people? I don’t know.
I was hoping to try it on my anxious 3 year old, but I think I’m going to continue my search since it did nothing for my own anxiety.
Back to the drawing board lol.
I’m happy to read this post, though. It seems ever single person I ask about CBD oil swears by it. You’re the first person I’ve come across to admit it’s not the next best thing since sliced bread!
I try very hard to be honest with our family’s experiences. My opinion is that it is more suited for mild anxiety rather than intense. I hope you find something that helps your 3-year-old.
Hi – I have tried the Cbd oil only a few times and it does help me sleep, but serenity is also a good one and works well for anxiety and sleeping too. Serenity you do not put in your mouth – so taste is not an issue. Not sure if you heard of that one… good luck!
Thank you. I have not heard of this but I will be looking into it. Is it an essential oil?