A Month of “I Am Important Too” Self Reflection Questions
Self-reflection, seeking gratitude, daily journaling…all ways to see life and ourselves more clearly. I find myself seeking these opportunities during times of stress, which happens most days when raising children, especially a highly anxious child. Throughout the past year, I have worked hard to make time for myself, with the intention of not losing “ME” when I get overwhelmed in being a mom and a wife.
Each day is unique, some bringing many moments of happiness and joy, while others may be filled with more moments of sadness and concern. Even in the tough moments of life, we can find the good. Often, we focus so much on others, we forget that we are important. Taking 5 minutes to think and answer these questions, followed by finding a way to celebrate the small moments of you, can remind you that you are as important as those you take care of.
Each day in November, I will post a question on our Facebook page and our Instagram page. (Facebook Page and Instagram Page) Join us in celebrating ourselves by sharing your response with others. If you feel shy, answer the questions in your own way, but make sure to take just 5 minutes for yourself with our “I Am Important, Too” self-reflection questions, one each day.
For those who enjoy journaling, use these questions as a journal prompt. If you are like me, journaling is something I would love to get in the habit of doing daily, but right now, answering this questions with a phrase or sentence will be an intro into journaling down the road. If you prefer to print this list, you can do that here.
Self Reflection Questions for November
Day 1: What 5 things are you grateful for today? How can you enjoy those feelings of gratitude? #gratitude
Day 2: What makes you unique? How can you let your uniqueness shine? #unique
Day 3: What is on your bucket list? How can you work towards achieving one item on your bucket list? #bucketlist
Day 4: What are you most proud of? How can you create more moments of pride? #proudmoment
Day 5: What can you prioritize this week that will help you feel less overwhelmed? #priorities
Day 6: Who are you grateful to have in your life? How can you show them your gratitude? #grateful
Day 7: What is something kind that happened to you today? How can you pay that kindness forward? #kindnessmatters
Day 8: What would make you happy right now? How can you achieve that happiness? #happiness
Day 9: What are 3 of your strengths? How can you share your strengths to make life better? #mentallystrong
Day 10: What song brings a smile to your face? Make sure you take 4 minutes to listen to that song at least once today. #favoritesong
Day 11: What quote gets you through a tough moment? Can you hang that quote in a visible place to see it daily? #quotestoliveby
Day 12: What smell or taste brings a smile to your face? Now, go find that yummy smell or taste and take a few minutes of alone time to enjoy it. #soyummy
Day 13: What is something you want to learn? What can you do to make sure you learn this in the near future? #nevertooldtolearn
Day 14: When was the last time you felt truly alive? Is there a way to replicate this feeling now? #feelingalive
Day 15: What was a small victory that happened in your life recently? How can you make sure to celebrate that victory? #smallvictories
Day 16: What makes you laugh out loud? How can you make sure to laugh out loud more often? #laughoutloud
Day 17: What is the best quality of your personality? How can you let this quality shine for often? #personality
Day 18: What would you tell your younger self? Now, make sure you listen to that advice as you continue to grow and learn. #youngerself
Day 19: What mistake did you make recently? What did you learn from it? #mistakesarelessons
Day 20: What are you really good at? How can you share this talent? #talented
Day 21: What is your favorite thing to do when you are alone? How can you make more time for this? #metime
Day 22: What compliment can you give yourself? How can you make sure you believe this? #complimentyourself
Day 23: What is a short-term goal for yourself? How can you ensure you will achieve this? #goals
Day 24: What are you most scared about? How can you put this fear in perspective to fear it less? #nomorefear
Day 25: What is your dream vacation? Is there a way to work towards achieving this? #dreamvacation
Day 26: What is stressing you out right now? What can you do to lessen the stress? #stressedout
Day 27: Who do you admire? How can you develop those qualities in yourself? #admire
Day 28: What do you want to be remembered for? How can you prioritize this? #makeitcount
Day 29: What can you do to take better care of yourself? How can you achieve this? #takingcareofme
Day 30: How do you feel about this daily time to focus on yourself and your happiness? #timeforme
I hope you enjoy giving yourself time to focus on you. I look forward to sharing this experience with all of you on our FB or Instagram or hearing from you in the comments below. If you are struggling to find gratitude in your life, remember being grateful takes practice.
I absolutely love these self-reflection questions! I plan to share them with my staff as well. Thank you!
I am so happy you like them! I hope they lead to more moments of stress-free happiness!
Some thought provoking questions. They would definitely help you to get to know and understand yourself better.
I hope they lead me to a clearer path of where I want to spend my time and energy!
I love this! I’m definitely about save this so I can come back to it regularly!
I love how you made gratitude part of self care! It’s so important to work on contentment to find that inner peace first.
Thank you. I really believe from experience that gratitude can change an outlook and turn negative into a positive.
These are really insightful and meaningful questions!
Thank you. I found myself really thinking about myself as I wrote each question.
i love this idea, and think its great for self-reflection. saving these questions!
Thank you. I hope they help you find the good in you!!!!!
This is a great read. I will be incorporating some of the daily things into my life
Thank you! I hope they help you find moments of celebration.
What a brilliant idea to journal each day by answer the questions that you have shared. I’m sure that would be very helpful. Focusing on the wonderful things and not those things that cause anxiety I’m sure would be great.
When I get overwhelmed, I have learned that I can adjust my mindset by focusing on myself and the wonderful things in it.
Self-reflection is a great thing. I bet these questions will help others to decide where improvement and a better life is possible.