A Month of “I Am Important Too” Self Reflection Questions Self-reflection, seeking gratitude, daily journaling…all ways to see life and ourselves more clearly. I find myself seeking these opportunities during times of stress, which happens most days when raising children, especially a highly anxious child. Throughout the past year, I have worked hard to make time for myself, with the… Read More
IEP and 504 Plans for Anxiety in Children at School
IEP and 504 Plans for Anxiety in Children at School IEP and 504 Plans for Anxiety You realize your child’s anxiety is impacting his or her school experience but you don’t know what to do about it? Who do you talk with? What can be put in the place to help your child? How can you feel heard and… Read More
Holiday Calm Down Kit for Anxious Children
Holiday Calm Down Kit for Anxious Children The holiday season is an exciting time for children and their families. Traditions, family gatherings, parties, and so much more create lifelong memories but also add stress and anxiety to an already busy life. Schedule changes, different sleep routines, crowds and noises, and increased visitors and family members can make the holiday season difficult… Read More
9 Tips for Traveling with an Anxious Child
9 Tips for Traveling with an Anxious Child Traveling opens the world, allowing families to stay connected, opportunities to explore new places, and chances to learn about different cultures. For many families, this is an exciting and memorable journey. However, for families with an anxious child, traveling can be more of a nightmare than a happy memory. If you… Read More
Stress Relief Toys for Children and Teens
Stress Relief Toys for Children and Teens Buying gifts for a child is always a challenge for me. I want the child to be excited when he or she opens the gift. Yet, I also want the gift to be useful once the excitement of opening has ended. Having spent my hard earned money on it, I want it to… Read More