My Child Won’t Go To School – Treatment for School Refusal Most kids, when given the choice, would prefer to stay home rather than attend school, however, when school is in session, they go with little resistance. Some kids, no matter their age, academic level, prior school history, or parental situation, refuse to go to school…kicking and screaming, running away,… Read More
Sound Familiar? Our Child Anxiety Journey as Parents to an Anxious Child
Sound Familiar? Our Child Anxiety Journey as Parents to an Anxious Child It has taken me years to be at a point emotionally where I can share our detailed child anxiety story clearly. I have so much I need to share because I am not the only mom parenting a child with severe anxiety, but most days I feel… Read More
Effective Strategies to Reduce Student Anxiety
Effective Strategies to Reduce Student Anxiety School can be one of the most difficult periods of time for children and their parents when struggling with anxiety. Often schools have very little training in mental health conditions. Therefore, teachers are not aware of how to identify anxiety in children, often misinterpreting behaviors as purposeful defiance. In my experience, I find… Read More
5 Ways Teachers Can Help Students with Anxiety in the Classroom
5 Ways Teachers Can Help Students with Anxiety in the Classroom Anxiety that impacts daily life affects 1 in 8 children, meaning that in a classroom of 25 students, 3 will be suffering from anxiety throughout the school day. Each child affected will exhibit different symptoms and react to situations in various ways. The level of anxiety will also… Read More
Our IEP Plan for School Anxiety- 1st Semester of 8th Grade
This is the first year that I feel like we have a plan that adequately meets J’s needs, both emotionally and academically. That being said, J’s needs are so high right now and can change throughout the day given how high her anxiety is at each moment, she is not utilizing all aspects of the plan which would ensure… Read More