IEP and 504 Plans for Anxiety in Children at School IEP and 504 Plans for Anxiety You realize your child’s anxiety is impacting his or her school experience but you don’t know what to do about it? Who do you talk with? What can be put in the place to help your child? How can you feel heard and… Read More
Holiday Calm Down Kit for Anxious Children
Holiday Calm Down Kit for Anxious Children The holiday season is an exciting time for children and their families. Traditions, family gatherings, parties, and so much more create lifelong memories but also add stress and anxiety to an already busy life. Schedule changes, different sleep routines, crowds and noises, and increased visitors and family members can make the holiday season difficult… Read More
Our IEP Plan for School Anxiety- 1st Semester of 8th Grade
This is the first year that I feel like we have a plan that adequately meets J’s needs, both emotionally and academically. That being said, J’s needs are so high right now and can change throughout the day given how high her anxiety is at each moment, she is not utilizing all aspects of the plan which would ensure… Read More
5 Things I Have Learned from Being an Anxious Child
Creative, unique, intuitive, empathetic, and funny are words I would use to describe my 13-year-old daughter. Last night, I asked for her help in brainstorming possible topics to add to my blog. Since she is the person suffering from debilitating anxiety, I was hopeful that she could shed some light on much-needed topics. I prompted her with “5 Things… Read More