How To Find The Right Child Therapist For Anxiety I will be honest…finding a great child therapist is like dating. You have to spend a few hours with each one until you find the “right one”. Don’t be discouraged by that thought though…there are ways to help narrow the field in the hopes of finding the best therapist… Read More
Counseling for Kids…What to Expect at the First Appointment
Counseling for Kids…What to Expect at the First Appointment Finally, after much searching and waiting for an open appointment, you are your child are ready to attend the first therapy appointment for your child’s anxiety. Unfortunately, now you have anxiety over what to expect…I hope that isn’t true, but there seems to be a lot of apprehension over this… Read More
The Role of Parental Anxiety in Anxious Children
The Role of Parental Anxiety in Anxious Children It has taken me the better part of 6 months to sort through a complex mess that was stirring in my brain. My daughter’s anxiety has improved so dramatically with the therapy she has received since April 2018. One year ago, she was in a constant state of anxiety during all waking… Read More
An Open Letter to My Daughter’s Therapist on Mother’s Day
Dear [Therapist], We met you for the first time on April 9, 2018, the date etched in my memory forever, as it was the first time that I truly felt understood. Thank you. Without you, I cannot begin to imagine what our life would be like. While physically, I was alive when we first met, I was not living. I… Read More