Discovering and Celebrating Your Child’s Strengths

Discovering and Celebrating Your Child’s Strengths Human minds are wired to notice the “bad” first. Without thinking, the negative moments seem to rise above all of the positives.   This, unfortunately, happens in parenting too frequently. You remember the low grades your child received on their recent math test or the gymnastic class where your child… Continue reading Discovering and Celebrating Your Child’s Strengths

9 Enjoyable Activities for Children with Anxiety

  9 Enjoyable Activities for Children with Anxiety   Children with anxiety are incredibly unique.  Some may be quiet and reserved, with or without feelings of anxiety.  Others, (like my daughter) are outgoing, social extroverts without anxiety, but quiet and needy when anxious.  It can be challenging to plan activities to do together as a… Continue reading 9 Enjoyable Activities for Children with Anxiety

Counseling for Kids…What to Expect at the First Appointment

Counseling for Kids…What to Expect at the First Appointment   Finally, after much searching and waiting for an open appointment, you are your child are ready to attend the first therapy appointment for your child’s anxiety.  Unfortunately, now you have anxiety over what to expect…I hope that isn’t true, but there seems to be a… Continue reading Counseling for Kids…What to Expect at the First Appointment

How To Explain Anxiety To A Child

How To Explain Anxiety To A Child For children of any age, knowledge is power.  This is so very true for anxiety! In order for children to manage their anxiety, they must have an understanding of what is happening inside their mind and body.  Children must be equipped with the knowledge and coping skills in… Continue reading How To Explain Anxiety To A Child

5 Personality Traits That Make My Anxious Daughter A Warrior

5 Personality Traits that Make My Anxious Daughter a Warrior At just 13, my daughter is a warrior.  She battles anxiety like her life depends on it, never knowing when the beast will rear its gnarly head.  Her senses are heightened at all times, just waiting to engage when her heart races, palms turn sweaty,… Continue reading 5 Personality Traits That Make My Anxious Daughter A Warrior

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The Importance of Externalizing Anxiety with a Worry Monster

The Importance of Externalizing Anxiety with a Worry Monster   Anxiety is a bully.  It bosses your child around, tells them they are not good enough, and causes high amounts of fear.  Suddenly, your anxious child begins to see anxiety as a part of them, bringing down their self-confidence and opinion of themselves.  The best… Continue reading The Importance of Externalizing Anxiety with a Worry Monster