Counseling for Kids…What to Expect at the First Appointment Finally, after much searching and waiting for an open appointment, you are your child are ready to attend the first therapy appointment for your child’s anxiety. Unfortunately, now you have anxiety over what to expect…I hope that isn’t true, but there seems to be a lot of apprehension over this… Read More
Overcoming Debilitating Anxiety with Courage
Overcoming Debilitating Anxiety with Courage A Thirteen-Year-Old’s Success Story One year ago, on my daughter’s last day of 7th grade, and just days away from her thirteenth birthday, she and I were both “facedown in the arena”, our faces “marred by dust and sweat, and blood”. Through laughter and tears, heartbreak and pride, together, she and I courageously pulled ourselves… Read More
An Open Letter to My Daughter’s Therapist on Mother’s Day
Dear [Therapist], We met you for the first time on April 9, 2018, the date etched in my memory forever, as it was the first time that I truly felt understood. Thank you. Without you, I cannot begin to imagine what our life would be like. While physically, I was alive when we first met, I was not living. I… Read More
Anxiety Will No Longer Be Your Cocoon, Sweet Girl
Dear Sweet (13-year-old) Baby Girl, I so often look at you and ask why? Why were you chosen to battle this beast of anxiety that hijacks you so quickly and frequently? Why was this enormous burden placed on your young shoulders? Why does your infectious laugh and kind heart get trampled by sadness and insecurities? Sadly, I will never… Read More
Thank You, Shawn Mendes, for Bringing Attention to Anxiety
Dear Shawn Mendes, Thank you. Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability. Thank you for using your “celebrity” to show the world that anxiety is not to be kept as a secret. Thank you for sharing the realness of your situation. As the mom of a 13-year-old girl, suffering from severe anxiety, I have witnessed her feeling different,… Read More